Essential Oils: Copaiba

Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll be touching base on all the essential oils in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit and presenting you with information, benefits, recipes, and other resources. If you feel like purchasing a Wholesale Membership along with the Premium Starter Kit, feel free to sign-up here or if you don’t want to purchase a starter kit and just want the one essential oil you can sign up through me as a Retail Customer here instead. Please join me on this oily journey. 

Copaiba (Ko-pah-ee-bah) is a resin acquired from South American leguminous trees. The resin is collected similarly to the tapping of the maple tree. After the resin is collected, the most popular of the extraction processes is used: steam distillation. This impressive and powerful essential oil contains 55 percent of beta caryophyllene, the highest amount in any known essential oil. This molecule is known for its use in providing pain relief, digestive comfort, supporting healthy joint function & bone mass, and other irregularities. Here are some other uses and benefits Copaiba essential oil will provide.

Benefits & Uses

Muscle Pain, Cartilage & Join Function, & Pain Relief
Apply directly to the affected area. Copaiba can be used neat (undiluted) except on the most sensitive skin. You can also add 2 drops to a capsule and take 3 times a day or as needed.

Apply 2-3 drops onto a cotton ball and apply neat onto active acne pimples and scars to reduce skin inflammation. Within 2-3 hours, you will see a noticeable difference in redness. Use this daily. This study shows the success of copaiba on acne.

Apply a drop onto your finger and rub onto gums.

Stretch Marks & Scars
Copaiba can be massaged directly onto stretch marks and scars to fade them. Combine it with coconut oil to help fade them away.

Digestive System
Take 2 drops in a capsule 3 times a day or as needed. Also, you can rub onto abdomen during irregularity to help promote regularity in the system.

Urinary Tract
Massage onto lower abdomen to help reduce incidences of incontinence and bedwetting. It helps tone the muscles of the bladder to provide better bladder control.

Respiratory System
Add a 2-4 drops to a pot of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel over the pot and breathe in.

Insect Bites
Put a drop onto the bite to help reduce swelling, redness, and provide relief from the sting or itch.

Meditation & Prayer
Place 4-6 drops in the diffuser during your meditation or prayer as it will help to increase spiritual awareness and will help with grounding. The aroma helps to lighten a tense or stressed mood.

Magnifier Oil
Magnifier oils increase or magnify the properties and benefits of other oils. If you had a cold, you could apply Eucalyptus to the chest then apply Copaiba to increase the benefits of the Eucalyptus.

Until August 14, 2015, the Premium Starter Kit at Young Living is $10 off. This means a $300 value for only $150! It comes with 11 oils including the magic of Copaiba. By joining through me here, I become your sponsor. Therefore I can help you with anything you need. Business questions, essential oil questions, uses, safety concerns, etc. You name it, I’ll help you. It also helps us get to know each other on a more personal level while learning, loving, and navigating the world of essential oils. If you have any questions, read this information or contact me here.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.