Beach Essentials for Baby, Kids, & You

Mother is Eternal | Beach Essentials

Mother is Eternal | Beach Essentials

While my sister was here last week, we took a trip to Ocean Beach Park with our babies for the first time and let me tell you, trekking through the sand with two babies that can’t even sit up on their own isn’t all that easy. Wearing them in the sling is extra effort and I was constantly worried about where his face was in regards to the sun.

Overall, it was a great time so I’m here to share some things to make your beach trip much more enjoyable.

Beach Cart: This thing was a lifesaver. We were able to pile everything into it (aside from a couple chairs) and just push it onto the beach. It was a lot better than our initial plan of packing it all into our arms.

Beach Chairs: These fold up into a backpack to make carrying simple.

Shelter: I highly recommend grabbing one of these for your babies. It pops right up, mom or dad can fit to lay in it as well, and you’ve got instant shade and extra sun protection. It’s also lightweight, breathable, and easy to lug. We also bring it to the pool or outside in the yard. This one is great for older kids and adults.

Lip balm: I’m prone to dry lips when out in the sun for too long so I like to keep them hydrated.

Beach Bag: My sister’s diaper bag was large enough to double up as a beach bag as well.

Cooler: Can’t forget the snacks! Also remember to pack a whole bunch of water. Dehydration is serious especially on extremely hot days.

Sunblock: Keep your babies fresh skin protected with a mineral-based sunblock. Apply throughout the day to make it most effective. And adults, don’t forget yourself!

Towels: These are perfect to lay underneath the baby in the shelter or for use with kids and adults.

Sun hat: I never put sunblock on Maddox’s scalp so I insist on him wearing a hat. It keeps the sun out of his face and protects him from burns. And mom, here’s a great one for you.

Shovel & Pail: You can’t go to the beach without trying to make a castle, right? This set is great for the older kids.

Water Resistant Phone Pouch: Between the sand, kids, and water, the beach is a war zone for your phone. The great thing about the pouch is it’s touch sensitive and you still have your headphone jack available. It’s a life saver! Don’t have the funds or the time to buy one? Put your phone in a sandwich bag. It’ll do the same thing!

If you wind up with a sun burn, apply a little aloe. It’ll cool down the burn instantly and promote healing. What else helps make your beach trip more manageable?

Quiet Moments

Mother is Eternal | Quiet Moments

Mother is Eternal | Quiet Moments

In the early morning, I peel open my eyes but it’s still dark. There’s a hint of blue morning light beginning to creep from behind the trees. Next to me, I can feel you searching. Barely even awake. I lift my breast a little closer and almost instantly you find me. Latching on and nestling into me like a little bird under my wing, you calm back to slumber. I smile groggily, curl into you, and follow suit.

At night, I lay you down and lay next to you. The sun begins to shine elsewhere in the world. Your skin smells of lavender and fresh baby. I kiss your forehead before your plump, peach lips begin to nurse. The sweet warmth of the milk works its magic against your tongue and you begin to get drowsy. Soft music plays in the background and I do my best to sing gently to you. Eventually, you fall into slumber.

My heart sings in rhythm, beating with yours, and I’m reminded that this is home. Slowly, I breathe your love in and I breathe out the stress. It’s just us, little babe. You and I. Together. Under these vast skies and for eternity.

Gillette’s Castle & Pool Days

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

Mother is Eternal | Snapshots

We had a weekend up at Gillette’s Castle where we saw secret passageways, old playbills & letters, beautiful interiors, and a phenomenal view. Dave decided it was the perfect spot in case of a zombie apocalypse and I decided it would be an inspiring place to write. One room had a bed seat next to a large, open window with a view of the river. It was perfect. William Gillette, the castle’s creator, was an actor that hosted theater performances and parties. I can only imagine how much fun it was!

Afterwards we found a local pub to eat for lunch. It had the best spinach artichoke dip I’ve ever had, the puffiest homemade tortilla chips, the crispiest french fries, and the most delicious buffalo chicken pizza. Maddox, of course, had a giant boob full of milk and enjoyed every last drop. On the way back, we stopped for a dip at the pool. Then we BBQ’d and went swimming again on Sunday with a friend.

All in all we soaked up the summer days, relaxed, and enjoyed every second of it together.

Weekend Links

Mother is Eternal | Weekend Links


My sister was here from Illinois for a week so I was soaking up all the time I can with her and my nephew. We spent it full of beach days, pool days, lazy days, errand days, cleaning days. I love that her son is only 2 months older than Maddox. I can’t wait to watch the dynamic of their relationship shift and change as they grow older. I wonder who the trouble-maker will be.

This video will make you think twice before you make-up shame.

25 things breastfeeding moms should know.

Add some blueberry skillet cobbler to make your weekend a little more delectable & sweet!

5 beliefs of incredibly successful people.

Pools with dream views.

It’s almost flannel season.

Ever been curious about the favorite books of famous authors?

May the lipstick be with you.

Any other curly girls out there? Here are some cute hairstyle ideas for you!

My new favorite series is Whine About It. Hilarious!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have some awesome weekend plans lined up!

How to Calm Your Mind

Mother is Eternal | How to Calm Your Mind

You are captivated by the sounds of the sea. Gentle and soft against the sand just like yourself. We stood where the waves break. Do you know how small you are? How small we are? The world is vast and never-ending. Always remember to unwind, little one. To become calm like the sea. To go with the flow even when storms become rough. To find balance like the ripples in the sea. To keep your heart light like its floating on water. Remember to breathe in, be calm, and free your mind. Remember to be formless like water and simply flow.

This is what I told Maddox at 14 weeks and this is what I’ll continue to remind him as he grows. It’s a similar mantra I instill in my daily life and the same mantra I’d like Maddox to appreciate. Calming your mind helps you heal, not only in mind but in body as well. Here are some tips to nourish your mind.

Learn to let go of stress
Constant stress can be detrimental to your daily health so make sure you take time to renew. Don’t let stress consume you and learn to let go of negative emotions. By holding onto these negative emotions, you merely prolong stress and continue to cycle it into your life. Remember that it’s okay to be selfish and sometimes you need to put yourself first. Your mental and physical health are crucial. Otherwise, aspects in your life begin to fail as well be it a relationship, work, family, home life, or friendships. Take the time to honor your needs in order to be better in all aspects and stress less.

Eliminate clutter
By minimizing, you help maximize your life. Create a space that won’t keep you distracted. The less you have, the less you have to clean and the less you have to stress. An open space helps promote an open mind. Follow this 30 day challenge to start eliminating unnecessary items in order to help you discover more about yourself and simplify your life.

This doesn’t just mean physical clutter but mental clutter as well. Get rid of unwanted information. Watch TV and scroll Facebook a little less. Limit yourself and instead read a book, learn a craft, go outside, write a letter, exercise. Rather than stimulating your mind with electronics, wind down with something more tangible and less mind-numbing.

Live in the present
Tying yourself down to the past or a nonexistent future can be wasteful. It is consuming your mind of things that cannot be changed or things that may never even happen. This doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten the past or that you’re unaware of future possibilities. It’s simply a realization that this moment is all there is. Release what cannot be controlled and focus on what can be. You’ll live happier and it’ll help transform your life entirely.

So what can you do?
Meditation (one of my favorite ways to calm my mind). Learn new skills. Pick up a craft. Find a new job. Exercise. Do yoga. Take a trip to some place new. Lay on your couch. Take a couple days off work to recoup. Take a hike. Go home. Diffuse some oils. Take a bath. Start a journal. Surround yourself with positive folks with good energy. Step out into the sun and feel the warmth on your cheeks. Go for a swim and follow the flow of the water. Take time to focus on what’s important: friends, family, children, love, your self. Connect with nature.

As you learn to calm your mind, watch your mind and body heal. I promise it will be a wonderful journey and a beautiful transformation.

Essential Oils: Purification

Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll be touching base on all the essential oils in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit and presenting you with information, benefits, recipes, and other resources. If you feel like purchasing a Wholesale Membership along with the Premium Starter Kit, feel free to sign-up here or if you don’t want to purchase a starter kit and just want the one essential oil you can sign up through me as a Retail Customer here instead. Please join me on this oily journey. 

Purification Essential Oil

Summer is here and with summer comes bug bites. Young Living’s Purification oil is not only famous for being gentle on the skin, but also for repelling those pesky bugs while you’re outdoors. It’s an aromatic blend of Lemongrass, Rosemary, Citronella, Lavandin, Myrtle, and Melaleuca (Tea Tree). If you’re planning a camping trip, create your own non toxic bug spray. Simply get a bottle, add 10-20 drops per ounce of witch hazel, shake, and spray as needed. If you manage to get a bite, it’s also wonderful to help calm the itch and inflammation. As always, make sure you test the oil on a patch of skin first to make sure there are no reactions.

It’s definitely one of the best essential oil blends.

Benefits & Uses

Air Freshener
One of my favorite ways to use Purification is simply diffusing it in the diffuser. It makes the house smell amazing. If we have dirty diapers in the garbage that are starting to stink yet we don’t need to take out the trash, Purification completely masks the smell. 

Meditation & Prayer
An easy way to help promote harmony and balance during meditation and prayer is to diffuse Purification or rub the oil on your feet.

Skin Blemishes
As with insect bites, Purification will help calm and clear blemishes by reducing redness and inflammation. Add a few drops to your favorite toner or moisturizer and use once a day. You can also add a couple drops onto a cotton ball and apply directly.

Shoe Odor
When Dave gets home from working construction all day, his shoes can stink up the entire house. By putting a few drops of Purification onto cotton balls or paper towels and slipping them into the toes of the shoes, the smell naturally dissipates.

Until August 14, 2015, the Premium Starter Kit at Young Living is $10 off. This means a $300 value for only $150! It comes with 11 oils including Purification. By joining through me here, I become your sponsor. Therefore I can help you with anything you need. Business questions, essential oil questions, uses, safety concerns, etc. You name it, I’ll help you. It also helps us get to know each other on a more personal level while learning, loving, and navigating the world of essential oils. If you have any questions, read this information or contact me here.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Weekend Links

Weekend Links | Mother is Eternal


Maddox had his first dip in the pool this week and loved every second of it. It’s amazing how they have a sense of what to do (i.e. kicking their feet & legs). It’ll be even better when he can hold his head up stronger. I was a fish when I was younger and Dave grew up on a lake so hopefully he’ll love swimming, too.

Anyway, here are some enjoyable links from around the web to start your weekend with.

Wine fans! Have you tried this app yet? It’s a great way to track your wines and learn about different ones.

These interior designs are to die for.

I made this Mediterranean Baked Sweet Potato dish last night with tahini and it was incredibly delicious.

Happy Birthday Harry Potter & J.K. Rowling

I did a full hour of Ashtanga yoga for the first time since before Maddox was born. It felt good! My limbs feel refreshed.

See what Coca-Cola does to the body after an hour. 

Keep your energy up all day with this chart.

This powerful magazine cover.

The Gift of the Good Enough Mother.

A perfect explanation on Opinion vs. Fact.

Need a new tote? Check out this gorgeous, reversible vegan leather tote from Free People.

Maddox and I have been reading Little Blue Truck and we love it.

Have a lovely weekend! What are your plans?

Postpartum Must Haves for Mothers

Postpartum Care Must Haves | Mother is Eternal

During pregnancy, new mothers are focused on preparing for their new bundle. They are worried about the nursery, picking out clothes, creating a dream labor and delivery plan, and debating cloth or disposable. Rarely do mothers worry about the aftermath of birth and helping themselves heal.

Postpartum isn’t glamorous. It’s tender and harsh. We need to care for ourselves so we can better care for our littles. Preparing a recovery kit for yourself or for a friend will make the transition a little more bearable. It’s hard to be comfortable between the pain, the bloody puddle, a needy newborn, and lack of sleep. These are some things sure to ease the postpartum period.

Tuck’s Witch Hazel Pads
These were a lifesaver for me. I didn’t get hemorrhoids (thankfully) but they soothed the general pain and stinging. The coolness felt incredible against broken skin. You can also make your own.

Peri Bottle
HEAVENLY. I was so glad for its existence. I didn’t wipe for a while and merely dabbed toilet paper around. This helped not only relieve me of the sting, but also allowed me to clean off blood. Warm water works the best. The hospital usually provides you with one but they are cheap if you want an extra.

Ice Packs
These were such a relief and wonderful to help swelling. Check with your hospital. Some may provide these for you.

Another wonderful relief for the vaginal area. It definitely helped take away the burn, sting, and itch. My sister (who had a baby almost 3 months prior to me) hated it and never used it. It’s a strange cooling sensation so everyone will react differently. Most hospitals provide it for you.

Sitz Bath
Herbs are powerful tools from the earth. The herbal blends in sitz baths will help reduce swollen tissues, bring relief to tender areas, promote healing, and reduce the chance of infection. It’s a relaxing way to nourish your vagina and yourself. Take the time alone, breathe it all in and let it all go. Even as a new mama, you deserve a second to care for yourself. Here’s a recipe if you want to DIY!

Nipple Cream
I simply used coconut oil. Thankfully, my nipples grew accustomed quickly and avoided rawness but many mothers I’ve spoken with, have praised nipple creams. You can also make your own with this recipe.

Breast Pump
Your breasts will become swollen with fresh milk for your little nursling. A breast pump is your friend. It’s also great so you can start stashing away milk for when you finally decide you can handle being away from your little for more than 5 minutes at a time. I’m not an avid pumper so I simply use the manual Medela Harmony but I’d suggest investing in an electric. 

Breast Pads
You can either get disposable or reusable. I went through the disposables like crazy. Until your milk regulates, you leak an insane amount. We had breast pads strewn all over the place for the longest time.

Nursing Bras
I made the mistake of only purchasing one nursing bra. I was doing laundry less in the first few weeks so my bra was drowning in milk stains and milk scent. I highly recommend grabbing more than one. Eventually, I got 4 of these and this sleep one. The sleep one is SO comfortable, I practically lived in it. I don’t recommend anything with a wire. It’s extremely uncomfortable and even worse when engorged.

Comfortable Undies
Warning: do not, I repeat, do NOT wear your cute underwear. You bleed like a waterfall and it’s not worth risking all the underwear you love. Chances are if you have heavy-duty pads, you won’t. But to be on the safe side, grab a few pairs of basic underwear so you won’t feel sad if you need to toss them!

Herbal Tea
Red Raspberry tea is a great support for uterine care.
Milkmaid tea will help support healthy breastfeeding and increase milk production. 

Water Bottle
Hydration is extremely important. All your resources are gathering into your breasts for your baby and taking away from you! You need to keep up your hydration so you can take care of yourself and create milk for the nursling. I always carried my blender bottle around with me but any water bottle will do. 

Easy Snacks
Same as above. Your nutrients are being used up fairly quickly and you need to snack more often. Trail mixes, granola bars, fruits, crackers, and other finger foods are perfect for right now. Keep them near wherever you sit to feed your little one (bedside table, coffee table, etc).

Don’t worry about the dishes piling up or the clothes dirtying the floor. This time is crucial and belongs to you and the baby. It will get better no matter how tough it seems in the beginning. You’ll all naturally fall into a routine as baby grows. In the meantime, take whatever time you can to rest and recoup.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, from friends and family. You don’t need to isolate yourself or do everything on your own now that you have a baby. Whether it’s someone bringing you a meal, or coming over to let you nap while they keep their eye on the baby, or someone picking up your house, or whatever it is: you do deserve it mama so don’t hesitate on asking.

Most importantly remember, be kind to yourself and go through the postpartum period gently. Love is at your fingertips and on the broken skin around your hips.

Postpartum Care Checklist
• Witch Hazel Pads
• Peri Bottle
• Ice Packs
• Dermoplast
• Sitz Bath
• Nipple Cream
• Breast Pump
• Breast Pads
• Nursing Bras
• Comfortable Undies
• Herbal Teas
• Water Bottle
• Easy Snacks
• Rest
• Help

Essential Oils: Frankincense

Over the course of the next few weeks, I’ll be touching base on all the essential oils in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit and presenting you with information, benefits, recipes, and other resources. If you feel like purchasing a Wholesale Membership along with the Premium Starter Kit, feel free to sign-up here or if you don’t want to purchase a starter kit and just want the one essential oil you can sign up through me as a Retail Customer here instead. Please join me on this oily journey. 

Dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, Frankincense (Boswellia carterii) is a known and loved oil. Extracted from the resin, Frankincense is used for cosmetic purposes, spiritual and religious traditions, and all-around wellness. The scent is spicy and earthy with the slightest hint of fruity.

Lately, I’ve been adding Frankincense into Dave’s daily routine to help control the acne on his back. Within a week, the results have already been incredible: the size of the acne has reduced, the redness has gone down, and there are less spots than there were. Guys, I’m seriously amazed. Even Dave (the one who usually mocks my crunchy & natural approaches) is impressed! The recipe is simple: 1-2 drops per teaspoon of coconut oil. Layer Copaiba on afterward to magnify Frankincense’s properties (it’s an expensive oil so you’ll be able to use less by using copaiba).

Seriously, this oil is heavenly.

Benefits & Uses

Stress Relief
Diffuse a little throughout your day to release negative emotions. Use 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil per 1-2 drops of oil and add to your bath to relax or as an oil to massage onto the soles of your feet. Both will have you feeling refreshed and anew in no time.

Acne, Scars & Stretch marks
Use this oil to help reduce the appearance of acne, scars, and stretch marks. I wouldn’t recommend using it on an open wound but use it to aid healing and fade scar tissue.

Swollen Joint Relief & General Pain
Massage 1-2 drops of Frankincense onto the affected area with 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil.

Immune Support
Frankincense helps strengthen, boost, and activate the immune system.

Sleep Aid
Keep this next to your diffuser for night time sleep. Frankincense helps promote relaxation, a release of negative emotions, and satisfaction.

Meditation & Prayer
A perfect addition to your yoga routine, Frankincense helps you to relax. It’ll open your senses and breathing patterns. Put a few drops in your diffuser and take a deep breath. Bring yourself into peace & calm.

Pairs well with:
Myrrh, bergamont, any citrus oil, sandalwood, chamomile, vanilla, and clary sage.

Until August 14, 2015, the Premium Starter Kit at Young Living is $10 off. This means a $300 value for only $150! It comes with 11 oils including the magic of Frankincense (a normal value of $73 wholesale for a 15ml). By joining through me here, I become your sponsor. Therefore I can help you with anything you need. Business questions, essential oil questions, uses, safety concerns, etc. You name it, I’ll help you. It also helps us get to know each other on a more personal level while learning, loving, and navigating the world of essential oils. If you have any questions, read this information or contact me here.

Use is not recommended while pregnant or nursing. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.